Research and Sources
The following sources provided information and images included on this website. Those interested in researching further can find additional useful information by accessing the full texts, either in print or online. Some of these titles exist in the Ralston Cider Mill’s library collection, which can be accessed by researchers by appointment. Please use our contact page to submit an inquiry.
These materials were used as sources of information for the pages found on this website:
Cider, by Annie Proulx and Lew Nichols, 1980
The Cider Makers’ Handbook, by J.M. Trowbridge, 1915
The Complete Practical Distiller, by Dr. M. La Fayette Byrn, 1880
A View of the Cultivation of Fruit Trees, by William Coxe, 1817
The Young Millwright and Miller’s Guide, by Oliver Evans, 1795
Boomer & Boschert Press Company Catalog, 1894
Under the Blue Hills, by Marion Nicholl Rawson, 1974
The History of Applejack, by Harry B. Weiss, 1954
Fruitful Legacy, National Park Service, 2008

Additional Research
There are ample resources in print and online for those interested in learning more about apples, cider making, early technology, and New Jersey history.
Apples, by Frank Browning, 1998
The Apples of New York, 1905
The Illustrated History of Apples in the United States, by Dan Bussey
–Think Twice, Plant Once: Does a Tree Fruit Orchard Make Sense for Your Farm?
–Classic and Novel Dessert Apple Varieties for Commercial Orchards in New Jersey
The New Cider Maker’s Handbook, by Claude Jolicoeur, 2013
Cider, Hard and Sweet, by Ben Watson, 2013
Society for the Preservation of Old Mills
Prohibition in New Jersey
See page for links

Ralston Cider Mill Library and Archive
The Ralston Cider Mill’s collections include many of the titles listed above, as well as historic farm ledgers, years of Old Mill News magazine editions, books on mills and early technology, news clippings covering the Ralston Cider Mill’s restoration, postcards, and more. Those interested in accessing these collections for research should fill out the form at our Contact Page.